Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Own Content

Although most of the links on Teach the Children Well are to content provided by others, I would like to highlight content that I have created myself.

On the Math page, under the Addition and Subtraction topic is Fact Family Village which is an interactive site of addition and subtraction fact families from zero to ten.

In the Fractions topic is a grid of fraction links that is designed for students to self-differentiate based on interest, learning style, and ability. It is called Fantastic Fractions.

On the Social Studies page, under the Massachusetts topic are two different formats of the same questions about Massachusetts' Role in the American Revolution.  The first is an online crossword puzzle with clues that link to information. The second is a printable set of questions to be used with online questions with links to information.

There are several more links on the Social Studies page. In the Cape Cod topic is Cape Cod Photo Album, pictures from every town on the Cape. Also under that topic is Children's Theatre, a schedule of theatre productions on Cape Cod and within reasonable driving distance. There is a second link to that page under the Theatre topic of the Arts page. In the Elections topic is Electing the President of the United States, a printable set of questions with links that I created for the 2008 election and which I will update as needed for the 2012 election. Under Europe is European Photo Album which includes pictures and information from a vacation that I took with my family in 2000 as well as pictures my daughter took on subsequent trips.

The Other Topics page includes another crossword puzzle that I created called Winter Holiday Customs. This is found near the bottom of the Holidays topic. I have included religious and secular holidays from various faiths and cultures. On this same page are two specialized pages of links to online activities for the 100th Day of School and Gingerbread.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 11

All adults remember exactly where they were and what they were doing on September 11, 2001. I had the impression of watching a bad science fiction movie. If only it had been fiction! 

Most of my students were not even alive yet, but their lives are surely effected by this event. Students who are currently in the fourth grade were born in 2001 or 2002. 

Here are some resources that I have found that are related to 9/11:

9/11/2001: The Day That Changed America from Scholastic
9/11 Attacks - 102 Minutes That Changed America from The History Channel
The National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial
The National September 11 Memorial and Museum
OurStory from Smithsonian
The September 11 Digital Archive
Today in History: September 11 from the Library of Congress
September 11, 2001 News Archives